Perfume News

Did This Instagram Influencer Steal Her Bottle Design?

We’re talking about some serious Instagram influencer crime today. This is probably the least important story you’ll read all month, but alas, you’re here, so relax and enjoy the drama.

Influencer Malvika Sitlani Aryan launched a new perfume under MASIC beauty.

Of course, this perfume launch featuring the stunningly beautiful Malvika seems rather innocuous. Until, it doesn’t.

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Well, Malvika’s bottle looks strikingly similar to Jo Malone‘s Peony & Blush Suede Cologne bottle. Like, an exact rip.

See for yourself.

jo malone peony & blush sueded cologne

I mean, bruh, that’s exact.

Somehow, things took a turn for the worse after Malvika apologized for the “coincidence.” Naturally, this caused backlash and it appears that Malvika removed the apology.

Nothing worse than an apology that falls apart so much that you have to remove the apology. Maybe now she can apologize for removing the prior apology and then remove that apology. Ok, I’m confused. And you’re confused. Rightfully so. This Instagram influencer fragrance drama is too much for the normal person to manage.

It seems as though Malvika may need to hire a PR person to handle her social media dramas in the future, or avoid ripping her designs from popular brands. Something like that.

We will continue to keep you abreast of all the ongoings with this fragrance soap opera. I’m kidding; we won’t.

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