Perfume News

Edible Perfumes Have Arrived and Yes, I’m Serious

Ever wanted to eat your perfume? While it may seem a ludicrous thought, one company is making that dream come true.

Salt & Straw, a company, known for ice cream, has launched an edible perfume. And it’s a glorious idea.

The edible perfume went on sale for $65 a bottle on July 17th, 2022 (this happens to be National Ice Cream Day… Yay marketing). 

So here’s how this Salt & Straw edible perfume works.

You can spray the perfume on your body. Or, you can spray the perfume on your ice cream. So yes, it’s a legit edible perfume. 

While bottles are $65, you can purchase sample packs for $48. And even better, you can have it sprayed on your ice cream at one of their stores. But I’m guessing they won’t spray it on you at the store, or I assume they won’t. Because that would be bizarre and potentially unsanitary (I think).

There are three main edible scents:

A Plume of Blooms, which is honeysuckle and jasmine.

A Swoon of Citrus, which is citrusy.

A Cloud of Cocoa, which is smoky, bakery-like.

I’m not entirely sure how smelling like a smoky bakery translates to your skin, but hey, let’s give Salt & Straw an A+ for creativity. 

You can purchase Salt & Straw edible perfumes here. Who knows, edible perfumes might be the hit dessert at your holiday party this year. 

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