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Ghost in the Shell Launches Perfume (Yeah, Its Bizarre)

Etat libre d’Orange has made a bit of perfume history by releasing the first manga, or anime, perfume. The France-based perfume company teamed up with Ghost in the Shell to create the new fragrance.

Ghost in the Shell remains one of the largest anime and manga content providers in the world. Their reach includes TV, movies, and video games. With Etat libre d’Orange’s help, the company can now say it has a perfume fragrance.

And yes, it’s a bit bizarre, but what else do we expect from the odd world of anime?

So what does Ghost in the Shell perfume smell like?

It’s described as a unixes floral woody chypre fragrance. The company says it “comes from the future.” I’m not sure about all of that. That said, I’m imaging the buyers of this perfume aren’t buying for the scent. This feels more like a novelty perfume.

Ghost in the Shell follows the life of Major Motoko Kusanagi who leads a counter-terrorism movement during the mid-21st century. The origins of the show date back to the late-80s and it continues to experience wild success. Movies such as The Matrix and Avatar both took some inspiration from Ghost in the Shell.

Ghost in the Shell is available on Netflix.

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