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Month: April 2022

Ariana Grande Cloud Intense Review – Does It Get Better?

Ariana Grande Cloud is one of the more popular perfumes out there. So it stands to reason that Cloud Intense would get a bit of a lift (pun intended). If you are interested, we have an Ariana Grande Cloud review. But today, we are talking about Ariana’s second installation, Cloud 2.0 Intense. 

Let’s have a more complex look at her second addition to her perfume line.

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Retro-Perfume, Aftershave Thread Has Internet In Collective State of Nostalgia

Whether it’s the first time we saw Goonies, or the earthy taste to the wooden spoon we used to scoop our summertime ice cream bites, we all yearn for nostalgia. We appreciate reminders that ferry us back in time to simpler days.

Perfumes notoriously serve to remind us of various life experiences. Well, a new Twitter thread is honoring several nostalgic perfumes that remind us of our youth.

“Name a perfume or aftershave that takes you right back to your youth?” Twitter account, Benonwine, asks his thousands of followers. And boy, did they respond in spades.

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